
The perfect learning environment is an environment which help children be happy

Today, parents often have difficulties in finding a perfect learning environment for their children. Accordingly, they pursue criteria such as modern facilities, international bilingual programs, a team of experienced teachers ... but they forget that, the first factor to define a perfect environment is whether such environment brings happiness to children or not.

According to a recent survey, 92.8% of children want teachers to laugh more; 84% of children want teachers to gently guide them when they make mistakes; 82.4% want teachers not to criticize in front of friends or many people; 82.4% of children want learning activities to be interspersed with play; 75.4% of children do not want to be forced to do much rote learning by their teachers… These numbers show that, today, it seems that the class is not yet a happy “destination” that makes children feel excited to participate in learning and experience activities.

Happy class means the place where children want to go

In a simple way, a happy class is a place that makes both teachers and students feel “want to”; When they get there, they will feel excitement, joy, anticipation and vibration.

Unlike traditional classes, the happy class does not impose a child to develop in a pattern but provide orientation to help children do what they like and love. There, children are not forced to learn in “cramming” manner but learn what makes sense to them, and they are inspired to continue to explore by themselves. Subjects are transformed into “smooth” lessons through games and experiences.

The happy class make teachers and students feel excited when coming to school

Respect for emotion is one of the factors that make the happy class, because even at any age, children have feelings of love and hate like adults. Do not think that going to school is a “privilege” and children must be content with the “privilege” that they receive. Children will love going to school if they have chance to speak and they are heard respectfully.

Instead of scolding, intimidating, please let your children make mistakes, express their feelings in the school environment. That will help children acquire knowledge better, be more confident and more sociable. From there, training their awareness and ability to concentrate from their own perception.

In general, happy classes are a place to help teachers and students form and maintain positive emotional states. Each happy class will create a school environment where everyone who participates will feel happy. Having chance to participate in happy class will help each individual establish healthy feelings, contribute to developing good character.

Let your child experience a happy class

In order for children to feel like going to school, parents need to take time to learn about school models built according to the new definition of “happy class”. Some schools have successfully applied this model, including Sunshine Maple Bear Primary School..

In the classes of Sunshine Maple Bear, to feel happiness, children accumulate knowledge through experience activities. Activities are not only within the classroom but also outside the classroom and the school, helping children to feel deeply about the natural world around them. In addition to knowledge content, the program also expanded to develop social, emotional, physical, creative and artistic skills for children through daily activities.

Children need to participate in experiential activities outside the classroom

Children will learn with leading STEM experts from Canada and Vietnam, through which to supplement the missing application knowledge, improve self-study skills, and skills to solve problems by themselves. The program is designed in the form of career modules, which not only inspires a child’s passion for science but also helps them to access the basic skills of their future career.

The learning space greatly affects the psychological comfort of children. In each design of Sunshine Maple Bear Primary School., the school always focuses on giving children a friendly learning environment close with nature. Each campus is designed with “green corners” to help teachers and students relax after stressful lessons.

The project has an area of over 5,000 m2, including 5 floors and a basement, which is integrated with many utilities such as experimental gardens on roof, canteen, kitchen, health care area, multi-purpose classrooms … for both physical and intellectual development, and skills of children. All equipment in classrooms, students’ learning materials, or functional rooms are arranged and designed according to Maple Bear Canada’s strict standards that will help parents feel extremely secure.

The corners at Sunshine Maple Bear are designed according to strict standards of Maple Bear Canada

In particular, parents easily feel the happiness of children when they come to school, feel a safe and loving environment at Sunshine Maple Bear. This is expressed on children’s faces and their attitudes. Children are relaxed, comfortable, and most importantly, they are always enthusiastic and aggressive to be ready to experience lessons. It is one of the successes of Maple Bear educational method from Canada – one of the countries with world’s top-quality education.

Please take time to visit our school and help your children have the opportunity to experience the happy learning environment at Sunshine Maple Bear:

Hotline: 090 154 66 55



Address: Sunshine Maple Bear Primary School, Sunshine Riverside Urban Area, Phu Thuong, Tay Ho, Hanoi